Over seven years ago I completed my Reiki 1 Training. When I walked into the workshop I had never even had a Reiki treatment before. At the time I was a major crossroads in my life. I had just taken a redundancy package from an account manager sales job I had been working in for five years. I had some extra cash in the bank, time to spare and thought “let’s give this a go and see what it’s about.” What a delight for me to discover that rather than feeling uncomfortable, or it being weird or kooky, the whole experience had the profound sense of coming home to truth.
The bliss and deep relaxation I felt when I received the healing from my classmates was like nothing I had ever experienced before. It felt like magic. The attunement process was equally incredible and something profound awoke in me. After completing the course all areas of my life transformed. I blossomed. I felt at peace, connected and ALIVE. Finally I had an amazing life tool that gave me the strength and courage to cope with anything. Hooked, over the next six years I went on to continue my Reiki journey doing Level 2, Level 3A and then completing my Mastership Training.
I am delighted to now be a Reiki Master Teacher who gets to guide and awaken my own students to this natural truth and magical force. It is one of my intentions that Reiki become more widely accepted and appreciated by many, which is why it’s important to me that it is taught in a grounded, relatable and approachable style. Reiki makes life sacred. In current times when everything is moving so fast and more people are feeling lost and disconnected, it is needed more than ever.
What are the major benefits to learning Reiki?
There are numerous and bountiful benefits to learning Reiki. Clearly I am hooked and as much as I could go on about it forever, I felt it best for this article to get the content from direct observations from my own Reiki students. I thank each of them for sharing their story.
1. Anyone can learn. It’s natural, safe, complimentary and easy.
Yes that’s right, anyone can learn.
I have taught artists, teachers, writers, chefs, mums, dads, lawyers, scientists, accountants, train drivers, bankers, personal trainers + many more. Some have gone on to become professional Reiki Practioners, others have used it as a tool to enhance other things they do and their overall quality of life. As a teacher I love exposing people from all walks of life to Reiki and adore how complimentary it is. Reiki Training is not just for people that want to become healers. (Although it does make a rad job!!) Learning Reiki is a self-development journey. Which is why I adore teaching it so much. Once you become aware of the creative life-force that exists within you and start to work with it on a conscious level, your experience of life will totally transform in the most amazing ways.
I honestly believe that EVERYONE should do Reiki Level 1. The world would be a more loving and compassionate place.
Melinda Kienhuis | mkwellbeing.com.au
The best thing about learning Reiki is that it feels so natural because it enhances an innate ability we all possess as human beings, the ability to channel energy. I love that Reiki is accessible to absolutely anyone, the only qualification you need to learn reiki is to be a human being…that’s it!
Anna-Marie Stassen | loveisyourcompass.com
The best thing about learning Reiki is that it activates or enhances any existing healing abilities you have and it’s such an incredibly supportive energy. I also incorporate it into my existing Kinesiology practice and it’s a very natural complement.
Kerry Rowett | | awakenkinesiology.com
2. Decreases Anxiety & Worry, Enhances Inner Peace and Calm
The attunements you receive in the courses and regular self-healing help to disengage from the “over thinking monkey mind” and connect you to your true nature. As a result you worry less and become more present.
I have changed hugely over the last year since beginning my Reiki journey. Probably more accurate is that I have become more “myself”. I am definitely less reactive when my buttons get pushed, I feel a deep sense of connection with the entire world, and I have WAY less anxiety and self-doubt. The changes from Reiki are profound – I could probably write a book about it.
Jasmine Matthews-Simpson | Simply Replenished
Since learning Reiki I’ve become much more settled and calm about everything in my life.
Melisa Johnston
I have changed in many ways, completed reiki one was a life changing experience. I have been through peaks and troughs but overall I am a lot calmer, I can manage stress/anxiety a lot better and feel a general sense of clarity and well being. I feel more grounded and balanced as well as more connected to my spiritual self. The beauty is, I haven’t pushed for any of these changes, they have just happened.
Melanie Beynon
Since doing reiki, i have found myself more relaxed and calm. I have felt more connected to source/ the universe and more in tune with how things naturally flow.
Elise McLellan
3. Become more grounded and balanced.
Upon finishing Level 1, one of the most common things all students report is that they feel so much more grounded and balanced mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Reiki allows you to become more connected to nature & much more aware of how you can manage your day-to-day energy.
The best things about learning Reiki for me are the sense of balance I have now, I can accept the Universe’s gifts and challenges without questioning their motives as I once did and let things go more easily, and I feel more connected and grounded than I have in the past.
Tammi Sinnett
For me learning Reiki allowed me to gain more clarity and I feel more grounded.
Rosemary Huntley
Learning Reiki has enabled me to not only be more grounded, centred and balanced, but has also allowed me to have faith and trust in myself.
Adele McConnell | Vegiehead.com
Reiki has been an incredible transformational force in my life. It has helped me to experience balance in all areas of my life. I now live from a space of calm, contentment. I have so much gratitude for the little things in my life.”
Jacqui Champion
Thanks to Reiki I feel so much more relaxed, grounded, connected, comfortable within myself internally and externally, and much more aware of the energetic world around me than ever before.
David Massie
4. Increases Self-Love & Confidence
Learning Reiki is a journey of self-empowerment. You walk away from the Level 1 Training no longer a victim to life as you learn how take total responsibility for all areas of your life, your thoughts, feelings, body and relationships and as a result confidence and self-love naturally increases.
The best thing about Reiki has been tapping into my own internal healing capabilities! I love the sense of calm and confidence that I feel after a healing session, whether I am on the giving or receiving end. Since starting my Reiki journey, I have been more relaxed, calm, and ready to deal with the day-to-day challenges that life offers. Reiki is really helping me to improve my confidence and self love.
Belinda Clark
Since beginning my Reiki journey I have started truly learning to accept and love who I am, and can take time out just for me without feeling guilty.
Tammi Sinnett
I’m so much more in touch with my feelings and emotions – I can now interpret my thoughts and understand why I feel a certain way before reacting. Learning Reiki helped me clear the negative blockages that previously held me back in life. Above all though, the standout quality is the self-love and compassion I now feel within myself and for all beings.
David Massie
5. You learn the art of self-healing, which amplifies body’s natural ability to heal itself. Nature’s natural pain reliever.
Your body always wants to be in balance and harmony. It is wise, intelligent and powerful. Self-healing allows you to connect to your body and listen to its wisdom. You connect to your inner compass, allowing you to let go of things that no longer serve you and move forward with ease and grace. Reiki is wonderful as a natural pain reliever, whenever I get headaches now rather than reaching for a panadol I simply lie down, place my hands over my head, channel healing energy, and then almost instantly the pain will dissolve. Amazing.
The best thing about learning reiki is learning self-healing. During my process of doing the reiki 1 & 2 training I went through some dental trauma. It was a hugely stressful time for me and so I did self-reiki almost every night. The dental specialists kept commenting on how well my mouth was healing and how impressed they were. Having reiki on my side during this period of my life was such a valuable gift.
Hayley Gerblich
One of the best aspects for me about learning Reiki has been feeling that I have a great tool for helping to feel balanced and connected with myself. Particularly when I’m feeling stressed or upset about something, or unwell, it allows me to slow down and ground myself and I always feel calmer and refreshed after a self-healing session.
Angela Wheeler
Learning how to self heal was invaluable and I practise it almost daily.
Melanie Beynon
I’m more connected than ever before to source, and my intuition. My headaches have eased, and now I have the tools to heal myself in every situation.
Adele McConnell | Vegiehead.com
Learning Reiki gives you a beautiful way to give healing energy both to yourself and others. I now use it for self-healing nearly every day. Kerry Rowett | awakenkinesiology.com
6. Less Fear, more courage
Fear is often only an illusion of the mind. Learning Reiki allows you to recognise fear for what it is, listen to it’s wisdom and move through it into the unknown with ease, confidence and strength.
Since doing Reiki 1 and 2 I have been more confident in my decision-making skills but also more confident that the Universe has got my back. I have become more fearless!
Madeleine McCarty
I have found myself less afraid, and when fear does come up, I have the ability to see it, accept it for what it is and let it go with thanks.
Elise McLellan
One of the standout qualities Reiki has given me is resilience. I am able to cope with anything life throws my way. I wish I had
done Reiki sooner for that reason alone.
Rosemary Huntley
I’ve gone through a long process of change in the time since doing Reiki 1. I was looking for closer connection with myself and inner guidance, and to stop being led by fear. Reiki has helped me to be able to connect with my heart and with spirit, and to accept that there is more to this life than just me thinking I am controlling everything.
Angela Wheeler
After completely level 2, I had the courage and increased clarity to study a modality that I’ve wanted to study for a years but didn’t because I was full of self-doubt and fear.
Kelly Chamberlain
Looking back over my reiki journey I realised that I don’t feel that fear now that was holding me back from becoming and growing into my true self.
David Massie
7. Greater clarity, creativity & sense of purpose
Often people will be drawn to learn Reiki while they are in a stage of transition in their lives. It is very common during the training to have enormous “ah-ha” moments, where major waves of clarity about the past and the future surface strongly. Reiki 2 Training especially helps students energetically access soul information around life purpose.
Since doing the reiki training, especially reiki 2, I have gained more clarity and direction in my life. I came away from the reiki 2 training feeling incredibly inspired and with a strong sense of connection and purpose.
Hayley Gerblich
I have changed and grown in so many ways, I truly feel like a new person, the real me. My Reiki journey began at a time in my life I was in limbo after a marriage breakup and searching for something “more” but had no idea where to start, until I felt the push towards Reiki. I’m so thankful I was guided towards this AMAZING path of self-discovery. One of the big surprises is the passion I have found for what really makes me happy – I’m now pursuing avenues and careers that wouldn’t have even crossed my mind 12 months ago.
David Massie
After my Reiki 2 training, I came away with a much clearer vision of my life purpose and a strong sense of unity and connectedness with other people. The training brought to the surface some knowledge, which had lain dormant within me about life and my place within it, and this helped me step out of fear. Reiki 2 helped me re-frame everything I know in a completely different and totally freeing way and made me feel empowered to walk my life path with confidence.
Anna-Marie Stassen | www.loveisyourcompass.com
Reiki 2 was a life changer as far as trusting myself and seeing where I was holding myself back. It gave me a clearer direction in my life and absolutely brought me into an awareness of what my purpose was. I became clear on what had to change. It nudged me to trust and believe in all that I could do and I found my gift, So much so I went out and made my very own flower essence range, Yep I NEVER thought I would or even could do this, and then all of a sudden it just felt so right, so familiar like I had done it before.
Melinda Kienhuis | mkwellbeing.com.au
In short – Reiki changed my life completely. It brought me so much clarity with not only the direction I was headed professionally, but also who I was as a person. Reiki helped me shed so many layers. I was able to let go of a lot of my old thought patterns and instead gain confidence, calm and a beautiful understanding for myself, my family, those around me and the planet.
Amelia Williams | nutureandshine.com
I went through an immensely difficult time in my life after completing Reiki 2 but underlying it all was a feeling of “rightness” and I knew that all the changes that were occurring truly were for my highest good. I was able to surrender and flow through ongoing challenge in a way that I haven’t previously, and I know the Reiki attunements supported this. I can feel I have a much greater ability to accept “what is” and more courage as I move forwards in my life.
Kerry Rowett | | awakenkinesiology.com
8. Stronger intuition & trust for self and the universe
Everyone is psychic and intuitive; it isn’t a gift reserved for a “special” few. The Reiki journey helps you reclaim these innate gifts. Reiki helps you to return to wholeness.. You discover that you are a child of the universe, and very much part of it’s nature cycles. When re-connected to nature you start to recognize the divine perfection, balance and harmony within everything and your place within that framework.
The best thing about reiki is the feeling and the trust within yourself. It helped me believe and stay calm and trust the universe, rather than try and control it and or question it all.
Melisa Johnston
After my Reiki 1 training, I felt a deep sense of trusting my intuitive mind, which gave me a wonderful sense of balance as I had previously been very left/logic brained in my life. I also felt that the training shifted my perspective on life and helped me connect with a place of calm within myself that I am now able to access at any time which gives me a deep sense of trust in myself and the universe.
Anna-Marie Stassen | www.loveisyourcompass.com
Since doing both Reiki 1, 2 & 3A I feel more connected to both the Universe, and the essence of who I truly am. I feel so much more joy and love in my life and I am able to not only hear my intuition, but trust it. I now have this beautiful healing gift that I can come back to time and time again. My life is so much richer now that I have Reiki in it.
Amelia Williams | nutureandshine
Learning and experiencing the energy that is all, and that connects us all, is so priceless. It changes the way you experience life. I especially loved being shown how similar we all are in our heads. Our fears and emotions are all so much the same. Being safely exposed allowed these commonalities to reveal themselves, and I think that is beautiful. It made you feel so understood and, ultimately, very connected to everyone.
Jasmine Matthews Simpson | Simply Replenished
One of the best things about learning reiki was to have a physical experience of universal energy and love. It was wonderful to have that intimate knowledge of our connectedness to source. And with that the realisation that there is no such thing as disconnection from source/ god.
Elise McLellan
The increased intuition gained from Reiki is at a level I’ve never experienced before.
Kelly Chamberlain
9. More compassion, gratitude and appreciation for life, self and others
Reiki 1 opens up the Heart Chakra. You evolve from a place of mind-based consciousness, to heart-based consciousness. You discover how everyone and everything in your life has served your evolution, which results in deep feelings of appreciation and gratitude for life.
Reiki one truly opened my heart centre my gosh the love I felt that day was incredible.
Melinda Kienhuis | mkwellbeing.com.au
One of the best things about learning Reiki with Sara is the safe space that is created to explore yourself and the deepest emotions that arise. Level 1, for me, gave me clarity of the emotions and past experiences that were holding me back. I gained trust in the process of life, less reactive to situations I didn’t like and greater compassion towards myself.
Kelly Chamberlain
It allowed me to take responsibility for my own way of being, which has had a positive influence in all my relationships. I see the world in a new light, through compassionate eyes and with a heart full of love. It was a cleansing of past hurts and beliefs, which made room for incredible growth.
Jacqui Champion
Learning Reiki has had such transformative effects upon my life, it has truly been an incredible self-healing journey. I have experienced a multitude of benefits, many more than I can name. It has taught me so much about myself, and the world, and has completely altered my perspective of everything that I thought I once knew.
Shahna Sarpi
10. You gain an amazing gift to share with loved ones, animals, plants and the earth.
In Reiki 1 training you learn not only how to do self-healing, but how to share healing energy with family, friends, loved ones, plants, animals, land and physical objects. It is such a sacred gift to be able to share and it provides deep comfort, healing and relaxation during any challenging circumstances life may present.
Reiki works wonderfully when my children are upset or unwell, they always tell me that they feel calmer and better afterwards, even my 3 year old asks for Reiki when she’s not feeling well!
Angela Wheeler
Reiki gave me a tool that that I can help friends and family with when they are having a difficult time, without putting myself in the middle of their problems and issues. As I’m offering Reiki, Love, Healing, it does the work and I don’t have to try to fix their problems and issues. Rosemary Huntley
It has enriched mine, and the lives of those around me immensely (my dogs included!). My home is more of a sanctuary, than ever before. It’s our haven, and I use Reiki regularly in my home to energise, cleanse and heal it. My dogs are calmer and more relaxed, as are we. I highly recommend Reiki to anyone wanting to enrich their lives.
Adele McConnell | www.vegiehead.com
I think one of the other great things about learning reiki was to understand that healing does not come from me, but rather comes from source, I am merely a channel for the energy to come through. I found this very freeing, gone was the fear that I could do something wrong, or my proficiency was the thing that would make a healing work or not work. This is not the case, I need only to show up and create the space within which the client can choose how to accept reiki and the healing best for them at any given time.
Elise McLellan
Reiki is an astonishing tool for personal growth with the added benefit of being able to use it on others and enhance their lives too.
Shahna Sarpi
Pretty cool huh? Have I sparked your interest?
I teach Reiki Workshops in Melbourne on a regular basis. You can see where and when I am teaching each level here;
Reiki 1
Reiki 2
Reiki 3A
Reiki Mastership
Are you interested in having a 1:1 reiki healing session? I see clients for healing sessions in Melbourne in person, and also do distant healings for people all around the world.
x Sara