A 33 Night Dreaming Body Retrieval and Dream Realm Activation.
Calling upon those who wish to awaken to the power of their dreams, co-create with life and be in service to our Sacred Earth Mother. Most of us dream at night and do not access the true dreaming realms and are just stuck in the astral world. Once we learn how to Dream-Weave beyond the astral realms we can blossom and become a co-creator who can support the collective in incredible ways.
“Activate the Dreamer” is a 33 night journey of developing your woven connection to not only your dream recall, dream-awakening and personal intentions, but to earth work, ritual magick and the greater good. Planting the seed for the Dreamer within to step forward.
We all have a dreaming body that can become damaged or hurt, yet dreaming in the benevolent dreaming realms is our birthright.
We invite you on 33 nights of deep dreaming to heal your dreaming body and dream together the weaving of the organic timeline with the Mother Earth and The Great Mother of Creation.
What is Activate The Dreamer?
With Sara Brooke as your guide, Commencing with an Opening Ceremony and concluding with a Closing Ceremony over the 33 evenings you will be provided with materials and rituals to activate your dreaming and waking life. Supported with a group there will be a daily evening practice, weekly group circle calls, Soul Constellations and also on-going ritual activations lead by Sara over the month to explore.
We will do dream body repair work and experience different dreaming practices as a group of 13 with three witnesses (Sara and two Dreaming Temple Keepers).
13 is a sacred number and is our number guardian for this journey. During the training we will explore the significance of 13 and it’s key to healing our dreaming body and so much more.
Conscious, intentional dreaming in a group has the power to:
- Connect you to your soul family and ancestors
- Allow you to find calm, clarity and purpose
- Ignite connection with other realms
- Deepen intuition and unlock dreaming gifts.
- Allow you to feel part of a telepathic web of weavers
- Enable you to weave your life differently with the inherent power of dreaming
- Explore the different dreaming realms
- Open you to reality co-creation in the dreaming realms
- Ignite your elemental connection through a practice known as Elemental Dreaming
- Experience collaborating in unity consciousness.
- You will have set homework which MUST be done each night before bed (allow min 10 min).
We will open and close with Sacred Ceremony. There will be weekly teaching calls and sharing circles to discuss insights and to receive suggestions to assist you on this journey. This is a highly active group where you are invited to connect daily via an app (not social media).
This journey is a deep reconnection, remembrance and inner journey. This will allow you to comprehend the different dreaming realms and learn how to activate them for an intentional life embedded with synchronicity and connection.
All are welcome to participate. Everyone has a dreaming body. You don’t need to be an already active dreamer. The most important thing for this program is an open mind, no expectations and willingness to show up with a beginners mindset and show up and participate, then magic and growth will ripple in divine timing. If you are an active dreamer this will meet you where you are at and help you unlock and expand even more.
This program is a healing, awakening and activation for your dreaming body and initiation into more expansive dreaming where you can become a co-creator and dreamer with Mother Earth.
This program was created by Sharon Bolt Magick®
I have full training and permission to lead this container as an accredited teacher of the The White Dragon Lineage® School.
Group will be limited to an intimate pod of 13 participants that will dream weave together every night for the 33 nights
“A truly magical, multilayered and transformative offering. Beautifully guided and skill-fully supported by Sara. An incredibly rich program full of depth, knowledge and wisdom. If you’re wanting to feel more expanded, connected, present, clear, aligned and in tune with yourself and the rest of existence then I highly recommend.”
Beth Cohen
“Since joining the dreaming Pod with Sara. I have been able to have more discernment in my dreaming. I also am starting to learn how to navigate myself in my dreaming and knowing that I am in fact dreaming. They say that a dream is a vision, insight, your view and perception. In this pod you will experience how your dream time affects your waking life and how your waking life affects your dreaming. Literally you learn on a cellular level how “life is but a dream”. As you heal and transmute what no longer serves in your dream time your waking life is a lot more living and a lot less dreaming to live.”
Nurdan Sezer
‘The healing and energy work offered in this container is so deep and profound. The rituals are simple, yet beautiful. I enjoyed dreaming in a group immensely. What a gift to do this work together in community. Throughout I felt, safe, seen and loved. Forever grateful and transformed.”
Lynn Hebblethwaite
“The Dream Weaving Pod for me was one of the most delightful experiences I have had to date. I have always been a dreamer and quite active in my imagination and dreams as a person. This experience gave me the chance to go deep into the dreaming space, to understand more and realize what blocks were in my body to allow me to be a more fuller dreamer and see how to actualize those waking dreams into reality. This unique body of work gave me insight into how I dream as a person and in how much more was available also with the help of a group of people which meant those places were easier to get to and witnessing the group dreaming together was truly something special. This experience provides so much for you and has changed things for me for the better now, I would definitely choose to do the experience over again.”
Charlotte Drury
“I’ve always identified as an active dreamer with many nights spent dreaming like I was Indiana Jones off having an adventure and being of service. The experience of dreaming as a group was incredible and a real delight and an honour to share and throughout I learnt more about my own personal dreaming gifts too. Sara is an extraordinary space holder and my own dreaming experience has evolved and deepened in magical ways from participating. One of my favourites, I couldn’t recommend it more!”
Megan Ezzy
All dreamers receive a pack of a transformative elixirs and special tea.
This journeying pack is designed to amplify, support and protect you in the dreaming realms. Opening you up to dream a new dream for your life and Mother Earth.
Materials will be posted before the journey so please ensure prompt booking with delivery address for ample posting times.
Important : This is not an online course you can join casually and then not participate in, its a co-creative immersive journey. Your participation, alongside everyone else in the group is vital. If you are not in a space to commit to this fully then you are better off waiting until a future dreaming pod.
If you are pregnant it is recommended that you wait until your child is born and a bit older to participate.
The nightly ritual that is done each night will take approx. 5 – 10 minutes.
“The dreaming pod was a very transformative journey that is still unfolding, I really loved connecting with new dreaming allies & the different rituals with the group and have since really noticed that it initiated within me a powerful and heartfelt return to earth dreaming. What also surprised me the most about the pod experience was the effects it had on my dreaming and energetic body in the day time as well, it really dropped in a new sense of clearing and co-creation between the two – so that was a huge bonus! I highly recommend to anyone looking to expand their dreaming practice with new layers and feel a deeper sense of alignment with both themselves and earth.”
Gretel Sharp
Helen Egert
“My dreams have always been vivid and telling. When I joined the Pod I didn’t know how that would impact my dreams, but it was amazing to dream together each night and really feel the connection to what we were working on. I loved being in the group and Sara really helped to anchor our dreams and the container was so warm and loving. If you have any curiosity about this Pod work, don’t hesitate and sign up now. It will only broaden your life and deepen your connection to yourself”
Diana Welch
July 2025
To go on the list for the next pod please, Contact Sara
Weekly Dreaming Pod Sessions
Where: Online via Zoom.
(check here to find your timezone)
Opening Ceremony
Monday 30th June 2025
7.30pm – 10pm AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
Second Circle + Class
Monday 7th July 2025
7.30pm – 9 pm AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
Third Circle + Class
Monday 14th July 2025
7.30pm – 9 pm AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
Forth Circle + Class
Monday 21st July 2025
7.30pm – 9 pm AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
Fifth Circle + Class
Monday 28th July 2025
7.30pm – 9 pm AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
Dawn Closing Ceremony
Saturday 2nd August 2025
6am – 8am AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
If you can’t make the weekly sessions live the recordings will be sent out afterwards so you can watch at a time that suits you best. Depending on where participants are across the world I will also offer an extra bonus circle sharing class and book it in a time that works for northern hemisphere people to attend live.
In addition to the calls there is a
The discord group will be a space to share dreams in daily and support each other along the way.
INVESTMENT $575 AU (inc GST) – includes dreaming pack + postage.
You can pay your $111 Deposit here to reserve your space.
Or alternatively PAY IN FULL HERE.
Note: For participants who live outside of Australia an extra $20 AU will be added to investment to cover international postage of the dreaming pack.
To book your place, Contact Sara
Please note dreaming pod participants are weaved together by Sara so the right alchemy of people are coming together. Upon registering your interest let Sara know what has drawn you to this experience. Sara will tune in to check that this next pod is the rightly aligned one for you.
Next Dreaming Pod date?
2025 Sometime
Can I have a payment plan?
Yes. If you would like a weekly or alternate payment plan please Contact Sara directly and the payments will be set up on an automated system where you get to choose the day of the week they come out and save your card on file. If you need an alternative or longer payment plan please discuss with Sara as other options are available.
An extra fee of $25 will be added onto payment plan to cover the automated systems fees.
Please note if you don’t honour the agreed plan and Sara or her team have to chase you for missed instalments you will be charged an extra $20 admin fee per each missed payment.
Life happens so if there is any ever issue or concern with making a payment it will be your responsibility to communicate this to Sara and an alternative arrangement or commitment can be made.
If you are committing to a payment plan you are committing to pay in full. There is no refunds or withdrawal mid-program due to change of mind or life circumstances.
I am based interstate/overseas can I participate in Activate The Dreamer?
Yes all journeys + support will be shared and facilitated online. However if you live overseas or interstate from Melbourne please just ensure you book ASAP so I can get your Dreaming Pack posted to you.
I will miss some of the live calls due to timezone difference/something else can I still participate in Activate The Dreamer?
The Opening and Closing Ceremonies must ideally be attended live. The other weekly classes on Monday nights (Melbourne time) can be watched as a replay while the container is open. You will then be invited to share your experiences of those processes and journey’s in our facebook group.
What if I can’t recall my dreams, will I still benefit?
Yes. This work is designed to heal and activate your dreaming body, build new neural networks and instill the disciplines required to help you recall and anchor internationalised dreams into your physical life. This work may activate sooner for some than others and this is an individual process.
How can I best prepare for dreaming in this pod?
There is no set rules for prep so its up to you. Suggestions include – getting a clearing specifically for your Dreaming Body which Sara can facilitate before or during the Dreaming Pod. You may benefit from a gut cleansing protocol prior to joining the pod. Alternatively you can start working with the Liberation remedy in the lead up to the opening ceremony which can be used intentionally for pre subconscious cleansing and to kick start your dreaming journey.
This is only if you are looking to do something prior, you can also just show up as you are and will still experience a shift!
I have never done anything like this before, is it suitable for a beginner?
Yes this body of work is suitable for beginners and advanced dreamers alike. We work in a feminine/yin way which encompasses an element of surrender and not forcing an outcome. The rituals and practices shared in this 33 night experience are designed to create new neural pathways for dreaming, dream recall and deeper connection to the earth and the greater weave of creative consciousness which activates at different times for everyone much like seeds that germinate in their own perfect time.
What if I skip some of the nights of intentional dreaming, will I be kicked out of the group?
No. But remember this is a group effort and the more we put in as a collective pod the more we will get back as we are working as co creators with the Earth Mother. Be fair and considerate to the group as a whole and use this as an opportunity to practice commitment to self, others and the collective as a whole.
I am already an advanced dreamer, will I still benefit from this dreaming pod experience?
Yes. Remember it is not about how good or not we can dream, it is about uniting collectively with the Earth Mother to assist in planting new seeds for our lives, our future and generations to come. The activations and transmissions shared in this pod are very unique to the lineage which you will be supported by on your dreaming journey (The White Dragon Lineage) which can deepen your current dreaming gifts and / or activate new gifts you may not already be aware of. This work is also designed to open you to new realms of dreaming that you may not have previously had access to.
Will this pod help me with dream interpretation?
This is an experience that is focused on collective dreaming and intentional dreaming with Mother Earth vs the group or facilitator telling you what your dreams mean. You will however be provided with tools and reflections to be able to unlock your own unique dream language. As yes, you do have your own dreaming language that is unique to you and your subconscious mind. The dreaming realms aren’t black and white nor will any “dream books” really tell you what your dream means.
Why is Dreaming a Skill worth committing to?
Everything in reality comes from a Dream, all of humanities communities over time, technologies and ways of life have come from the Dreaming Realms. From a 3D viewpoint all the greatest inventions on this planet have started from a seed of creation, from an idea in someone’s mind, that has then bloomed into a full blown business, invention or movement. From a Shamanic point of view, you can access the realms of Creation through intentional Dreaming Work, which has strong lineage traditions to manifest and co-create with Spirits for a Unified outcome. Dreaming in a new reality for this planet is of the utmost importance at this time.
I am pregnant can I participate?
Pregnancy is a sacred time where you will be dreaming and connecting with the spirit of your child. For this reason I would wait until after you have given birth to participate.
I have a newborn/young child that impacts my sleep, can I participate?
I would recommend waiting until your little one is sleeping properly throughout the night before joining a dreaming pod.