Are you ready to walk more boldly on the path of your unique destiny and..
- Ignite the queen that lives in your heart and dance with your spirit on earth.
- Release the need to “fix” yourself and own and love who you actually are.
- Expand your capacity to magnetise your desires to you with greater ease + synchronicity.
- Come home to your body and remember its true organic design as a sacred receptive vessel that can channel earth’s wisdom and universal love.
- Establish a daily practice to attune to the wisdom and sensual delight of your body. Supporting you to tune out of the distractions of the world and tune in to the sovereign power that resides within.
- Transmute old negative programs around beauty, “diet” mentality, comparison, competition, cultural and corporation manipulation that blocks you from accessing your feminine wisdom + sovereignty.
You are invited to go on a 33 Day Soul Medicine journey to ignite your inner queen by dancing with the wisdom of your earthly body, The Bees, Queen Hibiscus and Mother Earth. This is a call to playfully anchor more of your unique soul essence onto the earth and to feel the deliciousness of your spirit bloom IN your body.
The journey of Embody is an alchemical program and opportunity to devote to a daily sacred practice over 33 days supported by Sara. To experience being nurtured in a healing container where you are encouraged to deepen into a more intimate and trusting relationship with mother earth and yourself. As woman we have been bombarded with mixed distorted messaging around beauty, worth and value that leaves many in toxic cycles of judgement, shame and disconnection from their feminine power and the wisdom of the earth’s consciousness. This Hive Journey will be a chance to focus on letting go of body shame, self-criticism and self-judgement so you can reconnect with the sweetness of life, your true inner radiant beauty and focus on creating a rich life of meaning and impact.
Sara will support you with a number of tools, practices, prompts and invitations so that you can ignite the Sovereign + Compassionate Queen Codes that reside in your heart, your womb and your body so that you can boldly step forward on the path of your unique destiny.
“With the world in chaos, at a time when discernment, authenticity, integrity and self love has never been more important, this program initiates your true sovereignty through deep, beautiful, joyful pleasure and magical ways. Sara and the incredible guides in the hive are the ultimate supportive space holders for you to deeply embody who you truly are.”
“I can not thank you enough, working with you in this way has been such a transformative experience, I thought activate the dreamer was profound this was just next level! Hard to put into words but I feel like I am finally landing back into my body, into this life and this human experience. I have found my connection to self again, so many parts of myself that I had been long forgotten and aspects of myself that I didn’t even know existed…..kind of mind blown! No longer denying who I know I am, who I have been and who I am becoming. It was such a powerful journey!”
Beth Cohen
What is EMBODY?
With Sara Brooke as your guide, Embody is a 33 day long Soul Medicine Journey to Ignite Your Inner Queen. Commencing with an Opening Queen Hibiscus Ceremony and concluding with a Closing Queen Bee Coronation Ceremony you will be provided with materials and rituals to fall more deeply in love with your unique self and your body temple. Supported with a facebook group there will be daily practices, weekly group healings, group circle coaching sessions and also on-going activations lead by Sara over the month to explore.
- Retreat into sacred ceremonial space in the comfort of your own home. This is your own personal communion where you attune to your body, activate your inner queen codes and remember the earthly wisdom that is your birthright to be supported + resourced by.
- Nourish yourself with restorative daily practices which will enhance your presence, pleasure and radiance.
- Buzz with Bee Magic working with sound and vibration to clear and cleanse your energy field and expand your permissions to express your truth + unique destiny.
- Soothe your nervous system by working with relaxing sensuality practices and the magic of the Sassy plant medicine of Hibiscus.
- Dance through your life by reconnecting with play, joyful movement and earthly delight.
- Heal and release old emotions, distorted belief systems and limiting patterns that are interfering with your ability to embody your authentic essence and rule your inner queendom.
- Ignite your passion, life deliciousness, expand your confidence and awaken to new perspectives about yourself.
- Transform your mind set and have an opportunity to upgrade and evolve the perceptions that you have about yourself, your body, your true beauty and your self-concept.
- Take back your power from the Beauty Myth, The Princess Program, The Wounded Maiden and transform old outdated pictures of reality that stop you from enjoying delight of the body your soul chose for you to inhabit in this life.
- Deepen your relationship with the consciousness of Mother Earth and learn sacred ways of working with the earth element.
- Create new routines of self-care support and be encouraged to evolve and enhance your self-confidence, self-respect and self-love.
- Be guided by Sara and the plant spirit of Queen Hibiscus and the Spirit Of Bees. This is an opportunity to let yourself explore working with the Bee Medicine and a plant spirit as an ally of support and healing.
- Rise alongside like-hearted Queens and experience journeying in a circle of unity consciousness.
- Be supported by the powerful and transformative Shamanic Energy Training® White Dragon Lineage template. This multi-dimensional container will super-charge and enhance the creative power of your intentions allowing you to honour new commitments to yourself more ease fully then trying to make changes by yourself through will-power alone.
Group will be limited to 16 participants so the group is held in an intimate “hive” container.
“This program was life altering. I have emerged feeling incredible! – more embodied, more connected with mother earth, more empowered, and more comfortable in my own skin than I ever have felt before. And the increase of authentic JOY in my life was worth it alone! For me, a lot of big healing work took place. But “work” is not really the right word, because it was done with a spirit of playfulness, joy and pleasure that really allowed me to go deep without feeling overwhelmed. And to do this in a hive of women where there was such collaboration and support, instead of competition and comparison was heart-filling and a way of women relating that is so needed in the world.
Sara’s offerings are always high in integrity, love and magic, and if you are ready to move from princess to Embodied Queen, jump on this one the next time it is offered.”
“OMG, How do I start to explain the 33 day experience and transformation that happened to me during and after joining with an amazing group of women, facilitated and created by the wonderful Sara Brooke. The Hive journey was magical but it is what has happened since, I am now so much more connected to myself at a deeper level, I have cleared long time unhealthy body beliefs and weight I have carried for years and years is now slowly moving and melting off easily and sugar who was my closest friend for a lifetime now doesn’t have a big impact over me, Reclaiming my power and nourishing my body with dance, clay, oil and stepping into what my body and soul really needs.
Thank you Sara for holding a very powerful yet nurturing space for women to really reconnect and love themselves for who they really are all shapes, sizes and different body images. So much has shifted for me energetically since the hive, I can’t even express it in words.”
“At first I had no idea what I was getting myself into with this Embody journey, and like all good things that come from the unknown – it completely blew my world apart and surpassed all expectations. This 33 day journey awakened in me a dedication to self-love and a deep remembering of self.
We were encouraged to softly melt into a daily practice, to get out of the way of ourselves, to step into our power – each step rooted in sensual grounded goodness. All the practices have shifted very real and deep change within me, the flow on effects continuing to ripple throughout my life well after the container closed.
Sara, her Team and the Embody Guardians facilitated the container with a gentle and unwavering support every step of the way. Steadily held in your autonomy and guided along your journey of self-healing. I cannot recommend this enough, it is one of the greatest gifts you will give to yourself!”
tamala shelton

Thank you Sara, I will be joining all the future containers you hold.”
Tasha Nassar
“Sara is a fantastic facilitator in all her work. Her Embody journey was magical with amazing ceremonies and healings. The journey was special and particularly sharing with beautiful women. The experience had different layers to help connect, love and honour yourself. Sara is always very available, supportive and holds a strong sacred space for the hive. Thank you Sara for your guidance, love and support to help clear programs, beliefs and limitations holding us back from loving ourselves unconditionally. Honoured to have been part of this, thank you.”

This journeying pack of sensual delights provides the foundation for you to be able to weave Hibiscus and the other supportive magical layers throughout your daily life while undertaking the journey. All ritual tools are beautiful organic, hand-made and unique products made by or sourced specifically by Sara.
Next Hive..
2024 – dates TBA
Opening Ceremony
Time: 7.30pm – 10 pm AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
Where: via Zoom.
(check here to find your timezone)
Hive Circle Session
Time: 7.30pm – 9pm
Where: via Zoom.
Honey Blessing Ceremony
Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm AEST on Zoom.
Hive Circle Session
Time: 7.30pm – 9pm
Closing Coronation Ceremony
Time: 2.30pm – 4.30pm AEST (Melbourne, Australia time)
Where: via Zoom.
(check here to find your timezone)
The facebook group will be a space to share and support each other along the way.
$111 deposit payable at time of booking via direct deposit or paypal.
With final balance due 14 days before opening ceremony.
Book by emailing or contacting Sara here.
Once you have booked and paid your deposit Sara will then post out your Queen Pack so please provide your postal address at time of booking.
Note: Once purchased tickets are non-refundable or transferable.

“It’s hard to put these past 33 days into words, all I can do is express my gratitude to Sara for the magic she weaves. Healing can be a joyful experience as I learned in this container. Supported by the hive’s guardians and my fellow Queens, I explored my relationship with my body. The shifts were at first subtle, it wasn’t until much later I realised I was speaking kindly to my body- asking her for what was needed and respecting the answers. My boundaries have also shifted and strengthened and and stepping into the energy of Queen, I honour what is my holy yes and what is my hell no.
My relationship with Mother Earth has deepened and the practices Sara shared will continue to enrich my daily practices. Hibiscus worked her magic on my womb for which I will be forever grateful, even when it was exhausting. I don’t think I would have felt as comfortable as I have if it wasn’t for the strong container and teachings Sara provided- at the exact time they were needed because importantly to me, Sara had already walked this path. All the guardians made themselves known when their teachings were needed, appearing in the most unlikely of places- sometimes in plain view calling out to me when I was ready to see them.
I am so humbled in gratitude for experiencing Sara’s work and I encourage every woman who hears the call to lean into this program.”
“I am almost lost for words with how profound, nourishing and needed this experience has been for me. Being a part of this hive of connection and sacred space brought me to a place of healing and inner work that I am incredibly grateful for. With whatever was brought our way, whether it was challenge or euphoria the way that Sara holds space is an honour to be a part of. Because of this I have been able to sit in a place of transition that I may not have seen or have been comfortable to otherwise. I am humbled, empowered and grateful to have been a part of this space with Sara, the plant spirits and co. and I highly recommend any of Sara’s offerings.”
“A 33-day transformational experience that will continue to unfold and bloom within me timelessly, I am unable to articulate the words of gratitude or deep appreciation for all that Sara creates and shares through her lived experiences. Her, authenticity, integrity, passion for her work and for life are refreshing and inspiring I am truly Blessed to have connected with her.
Embody is an exceptional journey held in the safe sacred space and container of love and support Sara facilitates. Plant medicine, sacred ceremony and ritual, movement and stillness practices and a deepening connection to Mother Earth and the Divine working in co creation with and through us in our bodies.
To be held and be alongside the gathering of remarkable women who felt the same deep resonance to take this journey also: to see, hear, witness celebrate each other’s unique sovereign reclamation and liberation beyond comparison or judgment simply in joyful reverence and loving support for each other.
To begin to accept my body and nurture my relationship with my body after so many years of feeling that I and my body were not enough. To embrace my body as the sacred temple it is, allowing myself permission to enjoy the physical; sensual pleasure of being embodied being me exactly as I am. For the first time in as long I can remember, I can actually place my hand on my heart and truly feel my own heartbeat. I can truly physically feel it!”
Will you accept payment plans?
If we have worked together before I am happy to discuss a payment plan for this program with you. Please note once you have committed, you are then entering into a financial and energetic agreement which must be honoured and respected. No refunds will be given for change of mind. There is no refunds as once the journey begins you will be given access to all the resources, ceremonies and processes.
I am based interstate/overseas can I participate in Embody?
Yes all journeys + support will be shared and facilitated online. However if you live overseas or interstate from Melbourne please just ensure you book ASAP so I can get your Queen Pack posted to you. With everything that is taking place globally at the moment there has been some significant delays to postage services so we just need to ensure we allow as much time to get your pack to you as we can.
I am pregnant, is it safe for me to partake in the Hibiscus Tea Ceremonies?
There really isn’t enough reliable information to confirm that consuming Hibiscus Tea is 100% safe for pregnant woman, so to stay on the side of caution if you are pregnant I would advise NOT drinking the tea and using the tea petals in other ways. The oil and clay are all safe for you to use while pregnant so there is still plenty of access points to be able to connect with the Hibiscus Spirit energetically and receive her support without consuming the tea itself.
How much time should I be allowing each day for the practices?
Allow at least 10 – 20 minutes a day to get results. This is an opportunity to really explore and create a daily sacred practice that works for you. If you have more time and space you can spend more time with the different processes. With the audios and embodiment practices shared there will be a selection of options to suit a variety of lifestyles and living situations.
The weekly healing sessions are one hour and recorded so you can do them in your own time.
I am a facilitator and practitioner can I serve Hibiscus and these processes with my clients once we are done?
Absolutely not. This is a journey of self-exploration, not a training on how to run ceremonies or serve plant medicine. That is a journey that requires extensive training (Sara has had over 500+ hours of training and on-going supervision to be able to facilitate this work) and the processes shared are for you to use personally, not to copy and share without permission to your audiences.
What should I be aware of as I move through this Alchemical Program?
It is to be expected that during the 33 days you may have emotional releases, ah-ha moments, insights, revelations and changes in your life being initiated. Some of this will be beautiful, some of this may be confronting and challenging. Working with Hibiscus and the frequency Earth Energy this will support you to let go of the resistance that is blocking you from your Creative Power. Sometimes when people are releasing old blocks, limitations, belief systems and old programs they may have reactions. Energy levels may fluctuate, you may need more sleep than usual, you may have temporary discomfort and feelings that surface. You may even become triggered by other participants, the temple keepers and even the facilitator Sara. You may age regress (feel like a child) at times. You may then project your issues onto others. This is all good and to be expected so the invitation is to stay in mindfulness to what surfaces for you throughout. Being MINDFUL and aware of your triggers and this will support your personal growth process. This is often a normal part of the transformational process. Take care of yourself and the invitation will always be to bring what you are struggling with to Sara and the Temple Keepers.
What happens if I need extra support during the container?
It is recommended that in addition to participating in this program that you also have your own trusted therapists and practitioners you can call on and are willing to see for sessions for extra support. All information, processes, meditations and classes in this program are intended to support and assist you, however it is not intended nor does not in anyway substitute professional or medical advice.
You will be given the mobile numbers of Sara and the Temple Keepers to call on incase of emergency at any point and Sara has a list of amazing practitioners and therapists she will happily refer you onto if you need extra support. While we aim to create a safe zone for your experience and will take all reasonable precautions, you acknowledge that your own accountability and personal responsibility are also required.
If you have health issues, emotional or mental issues, you should always seek expert medical advice and treatment along with energetic and mental healing work. This program is not a substitute for medical care, one on one counselling or therapy.
The information/rituals which I use in my ceremonies, workshops and treatments have been gifted to me directly by Spirit, My Ancestral Lineage and the trusted Shamanic Energy Training lineage, and in so doing, they have taught us how to work simultaneously within the Inner and Outer Planes by creating Sacred Space. Even though the information given to us is to be shared for the benefit of us all, we recommend that you honour and respect Spirit by not using this information without permission and the appropriate training for your safety and the safety of others.