“White light healing is better than Reiki”
“TM transcendental meditation is the most effective form of meditation, that’s why all the celebrities do it”
“Theta healing is surpasses all other modalities as it works with the 8th dimension so therefore works the quickest. All the rest are outdated”
“My healer has a crystal bed that was blessed by St John of God, it’s the only way I will balance my chakras”
“Pharmaceutical drugs are all bad”
“Naturopaths don’t know what they are talking about, you should only see a TCM Chinese Doctor”
“Shamanic healing is too dark for me, it will attract evil, I only work with the Angels”
“Do-terra essential oils (alternatively insert any other multi-level marketing product here) are the best on the market. I will only work with them”
“Reiki is like an entry level healing energy, there are much more powerful forces out there to use”
“Kundalini yoga is the most powerful form of yoga”
“Alternative medicine is far superior to western medicine”
The above statements are actual statements I have heard from people over the last few months. After ten years of working in the industry as a healer I am constantly coming across people trying to convince themselves and everyone else that “their way is the best”. At the start of my healing journey I would listen with keen interest and easily get drawn into the idea that there was something “better” and that the new carrot being dangled in front of me was the “best”.
And now? I have learnt what utter ego-based bullshit it all is.
When people start up my brain usually turns that persons voice into sounding something like Cartman from South Park and all I hear is a little kid taunting “I am better than you, I am better than you, my toys are better than yours, my way is the best, you have to do it my way and only my way, chuck out the rest”.
Do you want to know the truth?
No healing modality, product or method is “better” than another.
They are all equal. Valid. Needed.
They all exist because someone somewhere once upon a time channeled, experimented, practiced and created the tools that helped them and their loved ones, clients and community heal and feel better. Ultimately every healing modality has the same intention, to help bring the client into health, balance and harmony.
If all of life was birthed from exactly the same big bang creative source point and we are all made of exactly the same brilliant stardust as the next person, then ultimately isn’t everything in our reality from that same divinely creative vessel?
So the same divine creative force that gave us eastern medicine, also gave us western medicine. Tuning forks, acupuncture needles, crystals, paracetamol, antibiotics, multi-vitamins, green veggies, surgeons, shamanic healers… all came from the same source. Reiki energy is exactly the same as white light, universal healing energy, 8th dimensional quantum force, or whatever else is the latest buzzword for pure love healing energy. Haha.
What is the point in arguing, competing and bickering about whose way is the best way? You see this all the time across the health and wellness industry. It is so destructive and dangerous. Imagine the potential of what could happen if instead of western medicine doctors bagging out alternative therapist (and visa versa) if they all pooled resources and wisdom and worked together??
Over my own life I have experienced working with many, many different healers and therapists from a large spectrum of modalities and industries. Often people assume because I am a Reiki teacher who draws on a lot of alternative healers to keep myself balanced and healthy that I would have the opinion alternative is best. That is not the case at all. I very much respect western medicine and pharmaceuticals. All has its place. I think it’s very dangerous to have extreme opinions, judgments and fixed beliefs, especially when it comes to healing. I prefer to stay open and curious and trust my own instincts of what feels right to me.
Everyone is different and needs different support tools and techniques at different times in their lives. What works for someone, may not resonate for the next person. It doesn’t mean that modality isn’t valid; it just isn’t the magic cure for everyone. That’s okay.
Ultimately, true healing is the individual’s responsibility and how and whom they work with is their choice. Once the intention has been set of “I need help and support” the universe then conspires to bring the right people together to create alchemy, healing and transformation.
It is my experience as a healer, and also from working with healers that “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. I truly believe that we are drawn to the right people at the right time, and different tools & techniques when we need to be exposed to them. Even if sometimes the reason for exposure is recognizing that person or technique ISN’T for you and then having the courage and power to say no.
You are your own healer. You choose what works and doesn’t for you. You always know what is best for you.
I have discovered over the years that the modality or method the healer uses is far less important compared to the integrity, presence, compassion and life experience of the healer themselves. That is their true medicine. It is so important that whoever you choose to work with is that you respect them, feel safe with them and that they walk their talk and practice what they preach. When a healer is working from a space of authenticity and integrity you can feel it. When you feel that something isn’t right, trust that.
So please, instead of getting into the ego-battles when it comes to healing techniques. Can we all start playing nicely in the playground with our toys?
x Sara