As a Reiki Master Teacher and Intuitive Energy healer one of the most common concerns I get from first time clients and newbie Reiki students are enquiries like “You must get so drained”, “I am so sorry you had to deal with all my yucky energy” or “Do you get infected by your clients bad energy?”
My answer is always. No, you’re not draining me of my energy. You can’t.
First up. When I give a healing I am a channel for Reiki, universal healing energy. Pure, loving, intelligent, powerful life force energy. I don’t use any of my own energy in a healing. I create a sacred space for transformation and I use my own body and being as a cup for universal healing energy. I intend for Reiki to fill me and then spill over to my client. So not only am I not using my own energy, but I always get a healing myself every time I give a healing. Cool hey? So it is not possible for a client to drain me of my energy, as I am not using it in the first place.
Do I ever get tired after a client session?
Yes, sometimes but it has nothing to do with the client specifically. When I am giving a healing, I get a healing too – so when that happens sometimes if I have let go of something myself I will also feel the effects of that shift. Like attracts like, so I will only ever attract clients and students who are similar to me in some way. We have shared truth, experiences and feelings; otherwise we wouldn’t be drawn to work together. It is impossible for me to recognize something outside of myself without it already existing within me. If a client has “something” (a specific emotion, belief or fear), I also have the same “thing”, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to recognise it. So if a client comes to me with something similar that I am also working through, it gives me a healing opportunity which I will then process in my own time after the session.
I can also feel tired after a client session if I have become emotionally or mentally invested in the person or attached to the outcome.
Being a channel for universal healing intelligence requires that you surrender your own ego in the process. You become a loving presence and witness to the sacred healing. You let the energy take over and give your client what is highest and best for them at that time based on the soul’s evolution. Often that can be different to what the mind expects or anticipates may happen. So if a healer spends the entire session trying to control or thinks things like “I hope I am doing a good job, I hope I get the desired outcome I want, I hope the client approves of me and appreciates what I am doing etc”… then that becomes very draining!
To maintain optimum energy levels I have learnt that I have to practice what I preach, integrity is so important and my self-care is a priority. Balance is key. If I am not looking after myself with plenty of sleep, nourishment, pleasure, movement and rest then it does effect my enjoyment of my work. I have to be in balance to be the best healer I can be. I have to be grounded and also well aware of my own shadow and limitations. Even though I love this work I have to make sure that it doesn’t become my entire life. I have to live and enjoy life too. This is why after teaching a Reiki Workshop I always make sure I have a day off. I only see 1:1 clients three days a week and will only take on a maximum of four clients per day. Other healers may be able to manage more, but for me that is my limit.
After a healing session I will usually feel fantastic. Peaceful, present, calm and connected. Often if I am personally having a bad day, when I work with clients and holding sacred space for them will instantly make me feel better and help me process my own feelings. The energy that Reiki creates when shared is so amazing. Fear and pain dissolve as light, trust and love surface and radiate.
Being a healer is such an honour and privilege as each session provides an opportunity for me to learn more about myself and life, through and via my beautiful clients. I love listening to clients stories and having them open up their heart’s to me. It is such a special way to be of service to the world.
So please, don’t worry about draining me of my energy, you can’t. By coming to see me as a client you are always offering me a beautiful gift to experience the magic of Reiki and healing.
Are you interested to learn more about universal healing energy and how you can use it for yourself & share it with others? Come and learn Reiki with me.
x Sara