Reiki practitioners need to stop marketing reiki just as “relaxing”.
Reiki is HEALING.
There is a difference.
Every reiki session can be vastly different and cannot be controlled.
Reiki activates the inner healer within, and that healing intelligence will then flow through the receiver giving them exactly what they need at that time to bring their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies into balance and harmony.
As a practitioner we can never anticipate nor guess how each session will unfold so it’s important not to place expectations or promise a specific experience for our clients.
Over the last ten years I have experienced giving and receiving thousands of reiki healing’s. What I have witnessed is that everyone will always have the experience that they need and each session is always different. The healing intelligence isn’t interested in giving people a pleasant relaxing experience; the healing intelligence is focused on shifting and transforming whatever is standing in the way of that person connecting to their true nature.
Sometimes yes, the healing experience can be deeply relaxing. At other times they can be very energizing, uncomfortable, stimulating or blissfully ecstatic. Reiki will always create the experience and give the person the healing they NEED.
I have had a reiki healing once where it felt like I was being charged with electricity and I could feel bolts of energy blasting through my legs and spine. Was this relaxing? No. It was actually incredibly uncomfortable. I wanted to jump off the table and run away. However the flow on effects from that session in my life were incredibly profound. In the weeks that followed I felt filled with a driving motivation and focus I had not experienced ever and was able to make massive changes in my life with ease and grace. I believe in that case the reiki was literally charging me up so I had the power and courage to do what I needed to do.
It is so common when people are receiving reiki that they have emotional releases. They may laugh, cry, sob or howl as the reiki shifts their emotional body. I have witnessed clients shake and twitch as life-force energy flows into parts of their body that hasn’t flowed for years. I have had clients experience instant pain relief and others feel MORE pain while they were on the table. I have had clients leave feeling blissful and high and others feeling worse than when they walked in. Clients have such a wide variety of experiences its part of why I adore giving and teaching reiki so much. It’s always changing and evolving, exactly as that person needs.
I have had clients have the most profound spiritual awakenings on the table and also sessions where the client has just peacefully fallen asleep and not felt anything tangible. Some people have visions, others don’t. Some people feel blissful tingles vibrating through their body, Some people feel nothing. Some sessions are life changing, others more subtle.
No session is “better” or “worse” than another. Each session is always exactly what that person NEEDS.
Reiki will always give them the experience they need which is in alignment with their highest and best. The healing intelligence knows best and often there is SO much more going on than our limited human minds can anticipate or understand.
The reiki practitioner isn’t directing the flow of energy in a way that they can control, so how can you guarantee to a client that it will be relaxing? You can’t. Not every session will be relaxing. What you can trust and guarantee is that Reiki will give that person exactly the healing experience they need. We just need to get our minds expectations out of the way and let it happen. The more surrendered, the better. For practitioner AND client.
As reiki practitioners it’s our job to create a safe, sacred space for our clients to come into communion with their own inner healer, which is connected to universal healing intelligence. We don’t “do” anything, Reiki does. We can never predict how a session will unfold, what a client will or won’t feel, or what the flow on effects will be. We can only hold the space and witness the mystery and magic.
So is Reiki relaxing? Sometimes. But not always, so lets stop limiting the healing experience by placing that expectation on it.
Interested in learning Reiki?
I teach all Levels of Reiki from 1 – mastership in Melbourne, Australia. Find out more here.
Want to experience a reiki healing yourself?
Book in and see me for a Soul Medicine healing session in-person in Kensington or receive a distant soul medicine session to anywhere in the world.