After six years of full time meditation teaching one of the most powerful and transformative processes I used to do with my groups is the Full Moon Healing Release. I have watched over the years students go through huge shifts and changes after doing this ritual and its something I often do as part of my personal practice. In the lead up to the full moon this month I have felt guided to share this with you guys. The below ritual is ideally done in the three days leading up to the full moon or the day/night of the full moon.
What will you need
1. A piece of paper (or a couple of sheets depending on how much you need to let go of!!)
2. Pen or pencil
3. A Candle
4. A space where you can burn the paper, either outside or inside using a wok or saucepan.
The Ritual Process
1. Sit down, make yourself comfortable and spend a few minutes imagining yourself breathing in and out of your heart space. Give yourself permission to let go of the external world and bring your focus within. Give yourself as long as you need to really calm down, feel into your body, ground into the moment and tune into yourself.
2. Then ask yourself this enquiry question “What am I ready to release and let go of in my life?”. Sit actively listening to whatever surfaces. Give yourself as long as you need.
3. Hand write on the top of your paper “I am ready to release and let go…. ” . Then hand write (dot points are okay!) everything that has come to you that you are ready to let go of. Perhaps its old patterns, habits or feelings. Maybe its time to let go of old situations, people, fears. If you have health issues, surrender them for healing. If you are confused or worried, surrender those feelings. Write non-stop and don’t be surprised if things come up that you hadn’t thought of. Keep writing everything down until you feel you are complete.
4. Burn the paper. As you light it with the flame state the intention “Full Moon, I release to you all energies on this paper. Please support me in letting go of all that no longer serves me. Transform, transmute and clear all that is standing in the way of me moving forward with ease and grace.”
5. After you have burnt the paper make sure you drink plenty of water. You might like to have a shower or bath with salts and oils to really honour the process and release.
During and after the ritual, be gentle with yourself – allow any old emotions to flow. If you feel like crying, cry. Anger may rise, just acknowledge it’s feeling in your body and let your body process it rather than getting stuck into the story about why you are angry. Remember this is about releasing. Your energy levels may fluctuate from feeling really energised to exhausted. You may need to go to the toilet. You might get sneezy, or giggly, or itchy. These are all normal reactions. You will feel the shifting and healing in whatever way is right for you. Honor the moment and really allow yourself to surrender the old.
If you get a cold or any physical side effects after doing the ritual know that this is often a sign of a deep release. The releasing symptoms will only last for a short while and then you will start to feel a LOT better than you have been. Amazing opportunities and doorways tend to open up after doing this ritual as when you let go of old energy and patterns it creates space for the new to come in.
If you do this ritual I would love to hear how you go in the comments below. If you have any questions, please ask.
x Sara