As I bask under the energy of the Full Moon today I felt guided to share one of my most loved manifesting and creating tools for you all. I have been doing this process personally and also with meditation students and clients over the last couple of years and have been amazed at how well it works. They key is to not over-think it with your logical mind, but to really play with your imagination and have some fun with the process.
Write a Letter from Your Future Self
1. Grab a pen, paper and envelope.
2. Write a letter to yourself, pretending you are from the future, letting your past self know what life is like in the future.
3. Date the letter a year from now.
4. Write the letter as if everything you would love to have happened in a year has happened. Write all your obvious desires and goals as completed and as you write see what else flows onto the page (you may be surprised as new ideas or experiences pop in, go with it!). Make sure the letter is worded in a positive way, you are literally writing your future – so be conscious of the story you are writing!! Ideally you want to invoke feelings and emotions as well as a mental vision, so reflect – if I had and was living everything I desired how would I FEEL about my life? Make sure you write down feelings, as well as the specific situations, goals, achievements, etc.
Here is an example of parts of my latest letter
Dearest Sara… It is the year 2016. Oh how life has changed in such a short time beloved. Wow. So much of what you have desired for yourself has manifested. Firstly, Mexico… wow, what a life changing, heart-opening, magical adventure that trip was!! You experienced an epic personal transformation, met so many amazing people, travelled to amazing locations and everything flowed in a beautiful, synchronistic wonderful way. Your health is the best it has been in years, you are finding it easily to eat well, nourish your body and keep stress levels low. The extra weight you acquired over the last year literally melted away, you are looking hot, fit and are glowing with radiant life force. Your business is booming, you are writing regularly, your workshops are filling effortlessly and you are becoming a well recognised brand of influence online. You are helping and inspiring thousands of people. You have finally mastered the art of a great work/life balance. For the first time in years you are in an amazing romantic partnership with a beautiful man who adores you. You light each other up and have so much fun together.
Life is fun, joyful, creative, exciting, orgasmic & wonderful…….
You get the idea?
5. After you have finished your letter, pop it in a sealed envelope and file it away in a safe space where you can then open it in 12 months time.
If you are concerned you may loose, or forget the letter (or want to peak at it during the year!) then there is also this awesome website online where you can enter your letter and set a date in the future for it to be emailed to you.
Have you ever tried this before? Are you going to give this a go? I would love to here from you in the comments below.
x Sara