A reiki attunement will create a kundalini growth-spurt activation where the life-force energy of your body expands beyond its current container. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies receive deep healing and a consciousness expansion occurs as more light floods through your entire system. This results generally in people having major ah-ha moments, feeling waves of love, deepening of connection to self and life and then an infinite possibility of MANY other experiences based on the individual and what they need (and what they are ready for).
Some students have profound mystical awakenings, others experience miraculous physical healings. Some connect to ancestors or have visions of other dimensions. Others experience rushes of bliss and ecstasy. Sometimes people have detox or purging symptoms, big emotional releases or feel electrical pulses vibrate through their body. I have had students who ears have popped, like they have been on a plane as they get used to a different vibrational space. It’s also just as common that people fall asleep or don’t feel or experience anything. There is no right or wrong way to experience an attunement, as it will work with the individual in the way they need.
Often the effects of an attunement will not truly be witnessed until the following days or weeks after. The shift must be lived and must be felt to be understood.
Feeling curious and want to experience it yourself? Everyone can learn reiki as first and foremost its a healing journey for SELF, working with others comes second.
I teach Reiki across all levels in Melbourne, Australia. Next Reiki 1 dates and more information can be found here.