What word/feeling state are you claiming for 2017?
Long gone are the days of me setting goals and resolutions on Jan 1st. While I do set intentions for myself to focus on what I want to create, I also have learnt the art of surrender and deeply trust when I am heart/womb centred and fully present in my life I will always align to what I need to experience.
One ritual that has remained that I adore and find so potent is choosing a word to set the tone for what I want to experience during the year. The word always tends to find me, a gift from my soul to give me a focal point, a feeling state where I then get to explore. Over the years I have worked with PRESENCE, EMBODIMENT, BRILLIANCE and last year was CONNECTION. While my mind likes to control and try to guess how things will unfold based on the word, those expectations never manifest. Instead the word becomes a teacher of sorts, weaving its magic in wonderful and unexpected ways.
Working with CONNECTION I had a year of deep introspection, ego dissolution & claiming the connection I have to my-SELF and the SACRED. So much external noise, illusion and distraction was stripped away so I could come home, to me. To truth. To life. To Love. What a gift.
As 2017 begins my word for this year is BLOSSOM.
For the first time I have two others words that come in combination with blossom – SENSUALITY & JOY. I look forward to experiencing and learning under these vibrational teachers as they share their gifts.
How about you? I love, love, love hearing other people’s words for the year and know the power in them being witnessed in a sacred space. So feel free to comment below and let me and this online tribe know so we can super-charge your intention x Sara